This Too Shall Pass

“And this, too, shall pass away.” My mom used to tell me this, whenever I had a teenage drama queen moment. The quote comes from a Yiddish tale about King Solomon—maybe. Some attribute the line to Persian Sufi poets. We know Abe Lincoln used it in a speech before he became President.

This phrase gives me hope. This shutdown due to the pandemic will not last forever. What do we do meanwhile? We live one day at a time. Always good advice. We stay confident in our ability to improve our financial situation in the next six months. And we need to continue to prime the pump for the future. There will be TED Talks again. Sigh. Maybe. There may even be meetings, where we get to present our products and services to real, live people. BUT–We are beginning to face that the nature of work has changed—maybe forever. I have grown to love my new computer. I have made friends with strangers on zoom, and have met now-clients online. I think the one-to-one zoom meetings are even more effective, because I have to really listen! It’s all online. It all will be online. Your best stuff to market your business needs to be online. My nephews—in their 30’s—are working on their screens, in their apartments, as am I, and most of the working people I know.

How do we prime the pump for the future? Or even the right now? It was my client who led me to the next step. It was after we completed my initial program crafting his 10-minute dynamite marketing presentation and his minute-long introductions for zoom meetings. He said, “I need to advertise my services without really being there. I think I need to do 2-minute content videos, and put them out everywhere.” Ahhh, out of the mouths of clients. I ran the idea past two other clients, and they said, “Yes, I need that.”

This is an idea whose time has come. Now, there’s a quote whose authorship is not in question. Victor Hugo said, “Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”

So ask your clients what they need. It may not be the exact offer on your website homepage. You may need to flex. Maybe you can be their trusted resource for another product or service. Let’s talk about what you need. I have a Calendly link. Please sign up. Complimentary, of course.

[Photo Credit: Ewa Geruzel/]