Vancouver Riots: Testosterone Run Amok?

What was up with these Vancouver riots? Yes, the Canadians, who have the reputation of being “such nice people” were rioting and looting in the streets of Vancouver post-NHL loss to Boston. Burning cars? What IS that?

Women: would you ever set a random car on fire because your team lost? NEVER is my opinion. My take is: testosterone run amok. These guys can’t PLAY hockey or any other sport—lack of strength, discipline, guts—so they take it out in a cowardly way: AFTER the whistle blows.

And it’s not just Latin countries going there after soccer losses. In the 70’s my English boyfriend from Manchester took me to a Manchester United game. His family tradition was standing in the corner of the field with the “rowdies.” At a mere five-feet tall, I felt protected as in a very close forest of tall trees. . .albeit, screaming and stomping trees. . .but I couldn’t SEE a darn thing, so I “enjoyed” the game second-hand. There was fighting and fire-lighting after the game, even though we won, but our little group escaped quickly.

I don’t think men who play sports do these kinds of things. This violent form of retaliation or revelry is the work of—er– “little” men, who are small in the self-esteem department, and perhaps just feel small overall. What do you think? And, Ladies, have you EVER heard of a woman taking part in this? I haven’t.