6 "M" Action Plan for Success

Mimi holding Pitch Perfect BookMimi holding Pitch Perfect BookDo a bunch of achieving women business owner award-winners want to hear a long keynote speech at their award ceremony? I think not. So when I was asked to emcee the NAWBO Ventura Bravo Awards, they gave me some time to speak. I delivered 15 minutes. It was the action plan that I know successful people follow, so I was congratulating these prominent women on achieving their goals. The action plan is made up of 6 Ms – words beginning with M. I call it my Hall of Fame in my football book. These six Ms are the cornerstones to achieve conscious competence: the awareness of the process that allowed your success, so you can repeat it.

Number 1: Mission – your reason for living. This speaks to the need you fill, based on your values. Mine is, “I assist women to find their voice and claim their value through their words.” It’s your purpose, your passion. The reason you have one is to determine what you consider worthy of your commitment. It justifies all your discipline and commitment to hard work.

Number 2: Motivate. Leaders motivate themselves even when they don’t feel like it. You have to be the happiest person in the room, and you need to motivate all of your employees in all their glorious diversity of different values.

Number 3: Manage your time. Your time and your energy are your inventory. Be stingy! Use your time wisely to accomplish your goals.

Number 4: Measure. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t learn in the school of hard knocks. You learn after the school of hard knocks, in the cool calm of the post-assessment. Each night you measure your results. How close to your goals did you come? What helped you get there? You resolve to do more of that! What distracted you from your goals? You vow not to do that! This is how I learned not to answer emails in the morning at the height of my creative energy.

Number 5: Mentor. Be one and have some. Pick the brains of people who have what you want to have, and do what you want to do. Find your role models and your goal models.

Number 6: Market. Find your voice to claim your value. Know that you are enough. Seasoned business owners know there’s never anything off the record. Every sentence out of your mouth is a commitment. Be transparent, but take care. And if you need assistance with your perfect pitch, call me to schedule a complimentary 40-minute value discovery call. You will get value, and we will discover if we are a match to work together.