Momentum 2024: Time to Reinvigorate

Are we back in business? Sort of. Hybrid? Some in person; some in the zoomiverse. It feels like halftime to me. And nobody gives up at halftime. They seek momentum. The dictionary definition of “momentum” is a driving force or impetus. The concept is that a moving body that keeps moving tends to maintain velocity and overcome resistance. One move forward will motivate another move forward with even more force. So you’ve gotta make a move. In other words: nothing succeeds like success.

Momentum surely played a role in making the Super Bowl competitive. How can we use momentum to have our business “come back” and win for us? To maintain velocity and overcome resistance, we may have reinvented. Now, we reinvigorate. During the Covid years, I toyed with the idea of reinvention. Then I remembered a quote I love: “I don’t have a Plan B—it distracts me from Plan A.” Great! I took it to heart, and decided to reinvigorate. I bore down on Plan A, and made lots of speech coaching happen. I never gave up; neither did either team in the Super Bowl. For me, and perhaps for you, not giving up means making the marketing calls, going to networking meetings and following up (takes discipline) and doing a super job every time (more discipline: prepare).

So to gain momentum, we have to do SOMETHING. One step forward will motivate another. Think about this:

1. Why do you want to talk to people? Meet potential customers, clients, business partners? Grow your business? Make new friends?

2. Who do you want to meet, and where do you need to show up to meet them? Do you need an impactful intro for meetings?

3. What is one thing you can do to prepare? I know: work with me, your speaker coach. Let’s punch up your personal marketing pitch, or get you ready for your legacy TED Talk.

Please schedule a 30-minute complimentary clarity call with me. You get value and we discover if we are a match to work together.

[Featured Image Photo Credit: Vector Stock}