Do People Have Instincts for Good?

What keeps you sane every day? How do you stay hopeful about people, and trust their instincts for good? If, like me, your guts twist almost every day, remember Thomas Edison said, “Discontent is the first necessity of progress.”

So in my head, I keep hearing Ted Kennedy: “the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die.” Feeling challenged by those words these days, I’m inspired by my clients: people who are motivated to make this country—and the world—a better place to live.

Here are the most recent three, who are bound for the TED and the TEDx stage.

One of them is the founder and owner of Beit T’Shuvah, a residential addiction treatment center “where life is celebrated and every soul matters.” She will move her TED audience to laugh and cry by her commitment to empowering people to purpose and belonging, and her self-professed “addiction to redemption.” Working title: “You Don’t Have to be an Addict to Be in Recovery.”

Another client is also devoted to the cause. PWD At Work podcast is for people with visible and invisible disabilities who struggle for full inclusion in the workplace.

The goal of the podcast is to provide practical information that helps to educate and empower employees to “Ask and Advocate” for access and accommodation at work. This TED Talker has appeared before Congress and gives us “goosies” when she says, “When there is a question about civil rights, the answer is simple – – it’s everybody, or nobody.”

My most recent client, soon to be on the TEDx stage, is an Associate Professor, School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania. As she says, “I’m the developer of a novel natural mentoring intervention for older youth in foster care.” See her inspiring 2-minute video here.

What is your inspiration? How do you want to make this a better place? And how can you share it with the world?

Let’s write your TED Talk together. Please contact me to schedule your complimentary 30-minute call to discover your purpose and see if we are a match.