Second Half Bonus Points

Challenging times. We’ve endured. We’re halfway there. We’ve GOT to be in the second half, right?

Joyful bingeing of many hours of Olympic figure skating makes me think we’ll make it, I swear. Sports are always a great metaphor for life lessons.

My favorite life lesson in figure skating is the second half scoring: extra points! I’m fascinated by this fact: In figure skating, jumps performed in the second half of the program are worth MORE than the jumps performed in the first half. The judges award a 10 percent bonus, on top of their base value.

To quote the rules, “The idea behind the bonus is simple: The longer a skater’s program goes on — and free skates usually run four to four and a half minutes — the more tired a skater gets. So performing difficult jumps in the second half requires more strength, endurance, and skill, and the 10 percent bonus is meant to acknowledge that.”

We give many points to STARTING something. Motivation. Take that first step. I say it takes more guts to keep going when it gets really hard—like now. We are working on tired legs! The glory is to FINISH!

Are you over 50? What if, for everything you do in the second half of life, you get extra credit? This scoring tribute to strength, endurance and skill has changed my life. I’m over 50, so everything now counts more. That’s how I think of life, including my exercise regimen. When the clock passes the halfway mark (in my bedroom stationary bike spin class), I note it every time. More pride feels my soul.

Whatever age you are, are you in the second half of a project, or working on a goal, and you are running out of steam? Wish it were over?

After the “magic” of a “fresh start” wears off, do you have the discipline and commitment over time to maintain your energy through to the end of a project? Think of it as counting 10 percent higher. Then apply this to anything and everything in your life.

I work with business owners to craft their marketing speech, and it turns out to be a work of art, profound and funny. But I say, “I can lead a speaker to a speech but I can’t make them speak.” It’s because the second half is PRACTICING IT – – over and over – – looking off your notes more each time you do it. The reason? A speech is not an article you read aloud. You don’t deliver a speech, you dance with the information to delight and connect to the audience.

I know. It sounds like a lot of work. Like anything that gets spectacular results. Like a figure skating competition: discipline to execute technical elements, and smooth heartfelt artistry, coming after countless hours of practice. We can be inspired. Speaking to people is a privilege. Respect your listener, and the process.

Please call me to schedule your FREE 30-minute clarity call to help you create your work of art.

Featured Image Photo Credit: David J. Phillip, Associated Press