Women Business Owners: LOVIN’ Football!

Women-owned businesses and star football teams. . .Both groups work their butts off, find ways to win even when the score is against them, and never quit.  I encourage women to WATCH football this season—college and NFL—to be inspired.

Women business owners ROCK!  Just got back from the Manchester Grand Hyatt, site of this year’s Annual Convention of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO).  Over 400 fabulous women from all over the US, networking to exhaustion, making valuable business contacts and friends.  We have weathered the storm of this crummy economy, and celebrated, while learning about new strategies and technologies we will use in the future.

I saw friends of over 20 years from New York, Miami, Chicago, D.C. and Oklahoma!  And new, young superstars as well.  The keynote speaker I most loved was Cindy Solomon. (cindysolomon.com)   SO talented—content on the cutting edge of customer service, and hysterically funny!  Very similar style to my own, in my humble opinion.  Her new book is “The Rules of Woo:  A Guide to Capturing the Hearts and Minds of Today’s Customers.”  She pointed out that customer satisfaction doesn’t equal customer LOYALTY, and showed us ways to get that loyalty.

Cindy and I share a philosophy:  the biggest challenge we, as women, face is having the courage to be BOLD, to go after what we want.  You can see this amazing boldness on the football gridiron every week, starting this Saturday with college football!  (I know, it started last night, but I was busy at the conference. . .)