Do I Really Have to Speak?

Build it, and they will come. When you have a dynamite speech about your business, opportunities will present themselves. You will be asked to speak. I want you to be as excited about speaking about your business as you are about your business. My goal is to get you so excited about your speech that you can hardly wait to do it.

Why Should You Speak?

Speaking can grow your business. Here are four reasons why. You will:

1. Build trust. In today’s transparent world, trust is paramount. When you are chosen to speak in front of a group, it means someone trusts you to speak. You have instant credibility. So now, people in the audience feel they can trust you.

2. Reveal your personality. When you speak publicly, your eyes will sparkle. You reveal your personality. There is no written page to hide behind. You speak about what you know really well. You can tell short anecdotes (and I mean two sentences for each) about problems you’ve helped to solve. These are true, real-life stories, and some will be humorous. Nothing will reveal you like humor.

3. “Sell” your product or service without hard selling. Pointing out the diligent work that clients have thanked you for – even reading a quote from a letter of appreciation – is heartwarming. And the message is loud and clear that you get results, because people thank you for your efforts.

4. Give a gift. Make a useful handout tailored to the majority of your audience members. You’ve given them a “gift,” something of value they can use, and now they are more likely to thank you by giving you something – their business.

Let me help you build your marketing speech so they will come. Please call me for a 30-minute complimentary value discovery call. You get value, and we discover if we are a match to work together.

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