“Them Who Asks, Gets”

A favorite phrase of my mom’s, who was an English major! Ask for what you want, and you may get it. If you don’t ask, you have no chance.

Wouldn’t ALL your relationships be better if you asked for what you want? Hoping people will read your mind is the basis of drama, for heaven’s sake!
In the middle of the movie, or soap opera, aren’t you screaming, “Tell him! He doesn’t know! He will do it if you ask!”

Asking is the “call to action.” It’s the last step in my 7-step speaking formula to grow your business. People can decide to buy your services at any point in the speech—even after the first sentence. Your attitude throughout the speech should be, “At any time during my presentation, someone in the audience is deciding to use me and my services.” A-B-C. Always Be Closing.

But at the end, they need to know what to do to continue this value you have given them in the speech. Remember, your goal in speaking is for them to approach you after, with the 5 magic words: “I Think I Need You!”

I have observed people at work AND at home have a hard time respectfully requesting what they want.
“Honey, will you please take out the garbage,” is WAY different from, “Honey, I wish I wasn’t the only one who did anything around this house.”
Do you see the difference? I know you do.

Don’t make a potential client read your mind.
When you speak to grow your business, your call to action is an explicit appeal to your audience to take a specific action following your speech. You may ask them to:

• Buy your product
• Sign up for your service
• Visit your website
• Fill out your survey
• Join your group
• Attend your webinar
• Call for a complimentary consultation
• Call for a 20-minute free assessment

Be prepared with your CTA! Make sure it is clear, specific, and time-related. Do not ramble.
Then be quiet! Resist the temptation to talk further. Don’t explain or elaborate. Don’t ask for questions. Let them digest what you have said. Give them time to grant you what you want. If they have any questions, they will ask. They always do.

Let me help you craft your effective call to action. Please call or email to schedule a complimentary call.

[Photo Credit: Inside Out/Disney]