I’m Your Cheerleader

We are so excited when we start our businesses or a new job. So much enthusiasm – we will set the world on fire! After the initial high, what keeps us fired up? Who keeps you committed to your game? Who reminds you of your passion?

My first cheerleading gig was as a Senior at Richwoods High School — priceless. (Second row from the bottom on the right.)

Think about your cheerleaders. The first ones were your family. They cheered you on as you took your first step, so you would take the second and the third. They yelled, “Good job!” when you grasped your bottle and brought it to your mouth. And your first Lego tower brought wild applause.

These days you hire professional cheerleaders. We pay for those people, because they have training and expertise and credentials to back them up. They have years of experience cheerleading people. They use their skills and expertise to help you market yourself and keep you accountable. They recognize your fears and self-imposed limitations, and help you break through to the space of confidence. You usually hire someone for this level of commitment, professionalism, and devotion to your mission.

You also have a network of colleagues and friends and coworkers who cheer for you. They connect with you on a “I want you to make it – I’m here for you” level. They are the people you root for, too! These people can be mentors who relate to you on a “been there, done that” basis.

For me, it’s NAWBO: National Association of Women Business Owners. Since 1985, they have cheered me on and advised me to go to the next level in my business. It was a NAWBO sister who said the 7 words that changed my life. We had just written her acceptance speech for a big award. She said, “I would have paid you for this.” She cheered me on to begin the process of “speaker to speech coach.” Now I give back to my NAWBO sisters. Come hear me speak on how to craft your legacy speech. Register here.

I’ve been a cheerleader all my life – for managers and employees, celebrities and entrepreneurs. I would love to be your cheerleader and help you craft your perfect marketing pitch. Please call me for a 30-minute complimentary phone call to see if we are a match.